Black Beer (Kozel Dark) Side dish: Making caramel bread popcorn
Today's fatal sweetness! I made caramel bread popcorn. Just beer is good too, but I recommend you to drink it with dark beer. I like Kozel Dark among dark beers, I like the combination of sugar, cinnamon powder, and dark beer surrounded by the glass. But... something much better came up than that. It's not a sweet and salty combination. It's a bitter combination... One bitter dark beer and one sweet caramel bread popcorn I think I can eat it indefinitely. If you're craving something crazy sweet, make sure to try today's cooking.
2 serving
Within 30 minutes
  • a plain bread
  • Sugar
  • Milk
  • Water
  • Butter
Cooking Steps
STEP 1/8
First, slice 3 slices of bread into bite-sized pieces.
STEP 2/8
And put it on the pan and toast it.
Bake the bread until golden brown. (Cooking oil, butter x)
STEP 3/8
Then, add 100ml of sugar and 100ml of water
Please make syrup.
STEP 4/8
When the sugar melts and boils
Add 1 tablespoon butter and melt.
As the sugar water boils, it splashes everywhere
Please put the heat on low heat!
STEP 5/8
When the butter is completely melted, add 100ml of milk and bring to a boil over medium heat.
STEP 6/8
If you boil it down, it becomes thick like condensed milk.
From now on, put it on low heat and stir it gently
STEP 7/8
If it's brown like caramel, I'm going to use the toast
You can put in the bread in.
The important thing is that if you put bread in too fast
The bread gets soggy.
When the caramel is completely thick, you need to add bread.
STEP 8/8
Stir-fry it so that it mixes well with the caramel, and it's done.
Sprinkle a bit of salt when you eat it, and it's done!
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