STEP 1/3
Blanch mushrooms and garlic in boiling water with coarse saltMake sure to blanch and boil the mushrooms. When cooked without blanching, mushroom water escapes, tastes sour, and deteriorates. If you boil the garlic a little bit, the Arin flavor disappears and the scent becomes soft. Place blanched mushrooms and garlic in a sieve to drain and cool. Remove the top of the pepper, wash it, and make a couple of holes using a stick or fork. When boiled, the seasoning cuts well to the inside of the pepper. When the mushrooms cool down, use the small ones and cut the large ones in half. Put a large amount of sauce in a pot, boil it over high heat, and reduce the heat to low. First, put the mushrooms in the sauce and cook until the sauce is reduced by half.
STEP 2/3
As the afforestation decreased by half, the mushrooms must have been somewhat seasonedThen add the blanched whole garlic and mix it well for a while. When the garlic is seasoned, add the kkari pepper and boil it down a little more. When there is a little bit of sauce left, turn off the heat, sprinkle sesame seeds, mix them evenly, and put them in a bowl.