STEP 1/6
Remove the top of the strawberries, wash them well, and grind them in a blender. Put ground strawberries and sugar and lemon juice in an enamel pan and boil over low heat. At this time, bubbles form, and you roll it off with a spoon. When the color of the strawberries darkens and boils transparently, turn off the heat and let it cool. If it's reduced by about a third, that's it. Adjust the amount of sugar to the sweetness of the strawberry.
STEP 2/6
The picture above is a picture of making cheese cream for Tiramis. Mix the soft cream cheese stored at room temperature with a spatula to dissolve. Add yogurt and sugar and mix. I made it with yogurt to give it a fresh taste. Add whipped cream and mix well with a whisk or whisk to make cream and store in the refrigerator. I made it without gelatin because I'm going to eat it soon. When you keep it for a long time or give it as a gift, soak about 3 sheets of pangelatin in cold water and melt it in a microwave or medium bath to whip it.